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Planning Permission for the garden sometimes becomes hectic for you, but there’s no more need to worry. If you’re planning for the construction work in your garden you’re at the right place. We always make sure that our customers stay away from such hectic situations therefore at Plansing we provide the best in the UK Planning Permission consultants. We are just one call away from you, feel free to contact us. For your convenience here’s a quick guide for you.

3 Essential Steps for Obtaining Planning Permission for Your Garden Project  

Obtaining a Planning Permission is the most important step to do construction work in your garden. This is an advanced safety measure taken before the happening of construction work. The main reason for doing this is to ensure that the project complies with Local Authority. To work freely on your desired outcomes, follow these 3 common steps for obtaining planning permission,

Local Regulations

Before starting the construction work, research the rules and regulations of your Local Planning Authorities and Council. These rules and regulations are easily accessible from the LPA (Local Planning Authority) offices. Important factors for the research process are as follows,

  • Zoning Laws: Dictates and tells us how the land in a specific area can be used, what is permissible to build, and what sort of designs are acceptable in that area.
  • Building Codes: It is a regulation that ensures the proper safety measures of the building and its aesthetics related to the surroundings.
  • Conservation Area: If your property is located in or near an area of historical and environmental significance, then you have to follow some special rules.

Consult with the Planning Officer

Always consult a professional in such matters, as their years of experience help you in obtaining Planning Permission without any delays. You can hire a planning consultant through Plansing, they will always be there for you until the completion of your project. A Planning Permission officer knows valuable insights and therefore with their consultation the likelihood of rejection vanishes completely.

Prepare Detailed Plans and Documentation

Your application must consist of all the important documents and a detailed plan of what you’re going to do, and how it will take place. This not only makes your application strong but also increases the approval rate. Common elements involved are,

  • Detailed Site Plan:  Mentioning the details of your site plan is important while applying for an application. Your site plan must be comprehensive and able to provide all the minor details of the boundaries and other significant landscape features.
  • Design and Access Statement: While preparing your documents always explain your proposed idea and design choices. Make sure your design choice doesn’t cause any complications for your neighbors and it is environmentally friendly especially when you’re applying for Planning Permission for the garden.
  • Elevation Drawings: These drawings give us a vertical view and it is a complete demonstration of the exterior appearance of the building. The main purpose of this documentation in an application is to give information on the proposed structures from different angles.

Plansing not only gives Planning Permission services, but they also have experienced Architects. Before going to add your designs to the application always seek advice for the smooth delivery of the overall process.

Top 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Garden Planning Permission

  1. Improper Research and Preparation: The research process must be taken seriously to avoid future complications. If you start working on the garden by neglecting the policy of zoning law, conservation area, and other specified guidelines provided by the Local Planning Authority then there is a huge chance of legal action against you.
  2. Incomplete or Incorrect Application: In case of an incomplete or incorrect application your chances of refusal increase. Always make sure that all the documents included in the planning permission application fulfill the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.
  3. Ignoring Environmental Considerations: If your construction plan impacts the environment and surrounding neighbors then there is a high refusal chance in this case as well. Your plan must be made by considering environmental impacts.
  4. Underestimating Timeframes and Costs: There comes an issue of not estimating timeframes and total project cost. In such scenarios you need to consult Plansing experienced Planning Permission consultant to avoid future complications.
  5. Not Hiring a Professional:  You always need to hire a consultant for proper guidance throughout the process. Along with a consultant you also need relevant professionals for architectural designs.

But there’s no need to worry about it, at Plansing we provide the best in the UK services. Whether you need a Planning Permission Consultant or an Architectural service we’re just one call away from you.

Key Considerations for Planning Garden Developments

Obtaining planning permission is not a piece of cake for someone who has no experience with how things get done. Here are some key considerations for Planning garden developments,

  • Purpose of Development: Always be clear about your purpose of development whether it’s for growing trees and plants, for family use, or any other purpose. This defines your design and planning process.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Always go for a budget-friendly plan while planning for garden developments. For this, you can hire a Plansing architect for low-maintenance design to reduce future labor and material costs.
  • Community and Neighbor Considerations: Positive feedback from your neighbors and LPA (Local Planning Authority) plays an important role when it comes to obtaining Planning Permission therefore, proper communication with your neighbors and LPA is necessary. This includes sharing your plan and getting their feedback. This feedback can be positive or in case of negative feedback, there’s always a chance for improvement.
  • Financial Resources: To achieve excellence in the overall process develop your budget efficiently. Your budget must cover materials, labor, permits, design, and other maintenance costs.

Stay in touch with Plansing for sustainable designs, planning permission, and other project-related services for your garden development. Our best quality services are always there for you, your ease is our priority.

Garden room planning permission rules

If you’re planning for a Garden room planning permission, you’ve to keep the process according to the pre-specified rules of garden development. These rules specify the measurement of your building or room in a garden and local Planning regulations. Here are some permission rules for garden room planning.

  • Permitted Development Rights: If you’ve permitted development rights, this means there is no need for planning permission before the construction work. Under these development rights, you’ve to work according to the preset rules. Here are some rules for Permitted Development Rights, please note that these rules may vary from one town to another,
  • Size Limits: Make sure the size limit never differs from the pre-specified rules i.e. you cannot cover more than fifty percent (50%) of your garden with a garden room or building. As a result of the difference, there come many critical problems for you.
  • Height Limits: While planning for a design always make sure that the height of your room or a building to be made in a garden must not exceed two and a half meters (2.5). This height limit applies to buildings that are within two meters of a boundary area.
  • Purpose: You can’t use the building for business purposes but for domestic use (as an office, hobby room, and living room) you can obtain permitted right development.


Obtaining a Planning Permission for your garden is not an easy task. Proper professional assistance is required to get mature results otherwise, an inexperienced process might result in several negative outcomes. Avoid miscommunication with neighbors. In case of refusal, there’s always a chance of improvement by working on the highlighted refusal factors. To make this whole process less hectic take the best of the UK planning permission consultancy from Plansing. From starting to the ending of the project we’re always there for you.


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