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    Planning Permission for the garden sometimes becomes hectic for you, but there’s no more need to worry. If you’re planning for the construction work in your garden you’re at the right place. We always make sure that our customers stay away from such hectic situations therefore at Plansing we provide the best in the UK

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    How Big an Extension Can I Build Without Planning Permission?

    How Big an Extension Can I Build Without Planning Permission?

    Expanding your living space with home extensions is more appropriate way to add value and practicality to your property. However, one of the main problems homeowners face is processing planning permission. The good news is that under certain conditions, you can build an extension without requiring formal approval. This article will explore the rules and

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    Can you convert a house into flats without planning permission?

    Can you convert a house into flats without planning permission?

    To maximize the usage of the house, turning it into flats is a good idea. Moreover, it also has a positive impact on your current income. But there are some legal duties for such positive results of converting a house into flats. This is what we’ve deduced in our 20 years plus experience at Plansing.

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    Maximize Space: The Ultimate Guide to Double storey Side Extension

    Maximize Space: The Ultimate Guide to Double storey Side Extension

    Does your home feel a little scared? Are you seeking additional living space without giving up precious garden areas? A double storey side extension could be just what’s necessary! Not only can it expand the square footage in your property, it may also increase value significantly and add significant equity. Our comprehensive guide explores this

    • June


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    How to Make a Breakfast Bar in a Small Kitchen?

    How to Make a Breakfast Bar in a Small Kitchen?

    Breakfast bar can make an invaluable addition to any kitchen, providing space for dining, socializing and extra workspace. But creating one in a smaller kitchen takes careful planning and smart design choices in order to optimize space utilization and functionality. In this guide we will cover how you can do this easily. Why Add a
    • June


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    How to Create the Perfect Home Gym on a Budget?

    How to Create the Perfect Home Gym on a Budget?

    Many fitness enthusiasts dream of setting up a home gym. It’s convenient because you can work out at any time without the annoyance of going to a fitness center. But the concept of creating a home gym can be devastating— particularly if you’re looking your expenses. However, with proper organization and wise decisions, it is


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