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Maximize Space: The Ultimate Guide to Double storey Side Extension

Maximize Space: The Ultimate Guide to Double storey Side Extension

Does your home feel a little scared? Are you seeking additional living space without giving up precious garden areas? A double storey side extension could be just what’s necessary! Not only can it expand the square footage in your property, it may also increase value significantly and add significant equity. Our comprehensive guide explores this aspect of double storey side extensions so you can make informed decisions for your dream home.

Unveiling the Advantages of Double storey Side Extensions

Space Optimization:

A double storey extension’s main advantage is the substantial quantity of additional room it produces. It practically doubles the additional floor area that may be gained from the side of your house when compared to single-storey solutions. This additional room allows you to:

  • Fulfil Functional Needs: Create a separate home office, playroom for children, or a luxurious master bedroom suite, all without compromising on existing living areas.
  • Enhance Living: Expand your kitchen, add a spacious family room, or incorporate a guest bedroom and bathroom – the possibilities are endless.
  • Boost Functionality: Improve the flow of your home by incorporating hallways, utility rooms, or even a cloakroom for added convenience.

Maximized Value:

Double storey aspect extensions are an outstanding funding, adding superb value to your property. Here’s why:

  • Increased Market Value: Extra square footage is highly sought-after by potential buyers, translating to a higher resale price.
  • Improved Functionality: Homes with dedicated workspaces, additional bathrooms, or larger living areas are more appealing to a wider range of buyers.
  • Enhanced Curb Appeal: A well-designed double storey extension can add a modern and stylish aesthetic to your home, boosting its overall appeal.

Optimum Use of Land:

Unlike rear extensions, double storey side extensions have minimal impact on your garden size. This is particularly beneficial for homes with limited outdoor space. Additionally, they can provide opportunities for:

  • Improved Garden Design: The additional side wall of the extension can create a cosy and private patio area in your garden.
  • Skylights and Roof Lanterns: Strategic placement of skylights and roof lanterns in the extension can bring natural light deeper into your existing home.

Flexibility and Customization:

Double storey side extensions help in providing the greatest flexibility in terms of design. It is possible to select from a range of designs and options to meet the specific requirements and desires of you. The most popular options are:

  • Open-Plan Living: Create a light and airy feel by opting for an open-plan layout on the ground floor, perfect for modern living.
  • Integrated Kitchen Extensions: Extend your kitchen seamlessly into the new space for a more functional and social cooking area.
  • Contemporary Glazing: Floor-to-ceiling windows or strategically placed skylights can maximize natural light and create a sense of spaciousness.

Planning and Considerations for a Successful Double storey Side Extension

Planning Permission and Regulations:

Prior to launching your expansion project, you should be aware of the regulations for planning for your particular area. These are the most important considerations:

  • Permitted Development Rights: In some cases, you may be able to build a small double storey extension under permitted development rights, eliminating the need for formal planning permission. However, these extensions typically have size and design restrictions. It’s essential to consult your local planning authority to determine if you qualify.
  • Formal Planning Application: For larger or more complex extensions, you’ll likely need to submit a formal planning application. This technique includes submitting targeted plans and drawings for approval via your local council.

Finding the Right Extension for You

The best type of extension for your home will depend on your specific needs, budget, and property layout.  Plansing offers free consultations to discuss your project and explore all the possibilities.  We will help you create a beautiful and functional extension that adds value and enjoyment to your home.

Design Considerations:

A well-designed -storey aspect extension has to seamlessly combo with the prevailing architecture of your home. Here are some design factors to recollect:

  • Matching Materials: Use similar materials (bricks, render, etc.) to create a cohesive look between the extension and your existing house.
  • Roof Pitch and Style: Maintain a consistent roof pitch and style for a harmonious appearance.
  • Window and Door Styles: Choose windows and doors that complement the existing style of your home.

Building Regulations:

Building regulations ensure the safety and structural integrity of your extension. Key considerations include:

  • Structural Engineering: Ensure your chosen builder has qualified structural engineers who can create a plan that meets all building regulations.
  • Foundations: The foundations for your extension need to be designed to support the additional weight of the double storey structure.
  • Drainage and Insulation: Proper drainage and insulation are essential for a comfortable and energy-efficient extension.

Additional Considerations:

  • Party wall agreement: Before construction begins on your extension, your extension may have been built on a shared boundary wall with your neighbour the rights and responsibilities of each party during the construction process are set out in this legal agreement.
  • Team Building: Choosing the first-rate crew for your enterprise is essential. Look for reliable builders who’ve information of two-story conversions, and make sure they have the essential licenses and insurance.
  • Project management: Interruptions may occur throughout the duration of the construction. Consider naming a project manager to oversee day-to-day construction work and guarantee it stays within budget and on schedule.
  • Enhancement of light and space: The light and air of the vista depend on the availability of natural light. There are a few ways to do these well
  • Large windows and doors: Install large windows and doors in the side and rear walls of the extension to allow for natural light. Consider options such as bi-folding doors that open up to the garden.

Skylights and ceiling lighting fixtures: Strategically located skylights or ceiling lights can flood the room with natural mild, specifically on the top flooring.

  • Light wells: If the layout of your extension lets in for it, adding a mild nicely permits natural light from the ceiling to drift down.
  • Reflective Furniture: Use reflective elements along with mild paint hues, polished flooring, and properly-placed mirrors to create mild around the gap.

Creating a Seamless Flow:

A properly-designed -storey aspect extension needs to feel like an herbal extension of your present domestic. Here’s how to gain a continuing flow

  • Matching Flooring: Extend the same flooring material (if possible) from your existing house into the extension to create a sense of continuity.
  • Open Floor Plan: Consider an open-plan layout on the ground floor, particularly when integrating the extension with your kitchen or living area. This promotes a more spacious and connected feel.
  • Internal Doors and Hardware: Choose internal doors and hardware that complement the existing style of your home for a cohesive look.

Sustainability Considerations:

Sustainable features can enhance the comfort and energy efficiency of your extension, while also potentially reducing your long-term running costs. Here are some ideas to explore:

  • Energy-Efficient Materials: opt for energy-efficient materials for walls, windows, and insulation to minimize heat loss.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Consider incorporating solar panels or a green roof to generate renewable energy for your home.
  • Water-Saving Measures: Install water-saving features like low-flow faucets and showerheads to reduce water consumption.

Careful consideration of a majority of these issues can transform your private home with a -storey side extension that now not most effective optimizes area and fee, but additionally creates a cultured yet functional and sustainable dwelling area.

Plansing: Your Trusted Partner in Home Extensions

Plansing is a leading provider of double storey extensions, single storey extensions, and all aspects of home extensions.  We understand that extending your home is a significant investment, and our team of experienced architects and builders will guide you through the entire process, from initial design concepts to planning permission and construction.

In addition to double storey extensions and single storey extensions, we also offer a comprehensive range of home extension services, including:

  • House design and floor plan creation
  • Planning permission applications
  • Building regulations compliance
  • Project management and construction

Contact Plansing today to discuss your dream home extension.


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